Good Copy with Gus

You don't have time to write good emails.

I do!

I’ll take your best thoughtsAnd turn them into the best emails your audience will ever get.

Welcome Sequences

Create a first impression that immediately turn new subscribers into long-term fans.

Story-Based Emails

Tell your company's story.
Share your insights.
Start conversations.
Email is the best way to build a relationship with your audience.

Email Courses

Package your knowledge into an email course that gains subscribers on autopilot.


Keep your audience updated, engaged, and interested in your business.

Hey there! I'm Gus! 👋

If you're a solopreneur or small business, your hands are already full.You don't have time to think about email marketing.That's where I come in!I'll write great copy so you can focus on your business.I'll turn your thoughts into powerful copy that converts.

I’ve helped my clients earn $115K (and counting) with email marketing.I create content that sounds like your business & your voice.Let’s start a conversation and see if we’re a good fit ↓

Email is your most valuable resource

Email is the only place where you have a direct 1-to-1 relationship with your audience.Email is powerful because platform risk is real.If social media went away tomorrow, you'd immediately lose all the followers you spent years building.There's never been a better time to build your email list.

© Gus Tiffer 2024. All rights reserved.